Thursday, January 20, 2011

What should be done after B.Tech: MBA or

B.Tech is a bachelor level course in Technology. Thus, one cannot take it as the last and final qualification degree, especially in the present time when the market is full of competition all around. In the present era, there are more applicants than the number of job available, and hence it is very essential for everyone to be specialized in their respective field. As far as B.Tech degree course is concerned, it does provide specialization, but not of that higher level as provided by MBA or M.Tech.

Thus, it is some sort of invisible compulsion that one needs to do MBA or M.Tech in order to progress more in one’s field. But the question arises, that what should be done MBA or M.Tech?

This decision completely depends on the person and his or her personal interest. Both the course provides ample specialization, but both provide specialization in separate sectors. If one is more interested in engineering line and want to work in their trade line and want to make a career with engineering projects, then without delay one should go for M.Tech. That will help them in getting a better rank and post in the same line in which they were working or wanted to work after the completion of their B.Tech degree.

However, if one is more interested in working in the management aspect of companies rather than engineering line, one should go for the MBA degree. MBA will enable them to work from the management front where they can manage the resources for the benefits of various aspects of the business.

If you feel this article is interesting do comment, will update more on this field in the coming post :) :)

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